Home Sidruni geranium hüpertensiooniks

Sidruni geranium hüpertensiooniks

Geranium x cantabrigiense is a sterile hybrid geranium developed in 1974 by Dr. Helen Kiefer of the Cambridge University Botanic Garden in Cambridge, England, by crossing G. macrorrhizum (female parent) and G. dalmaticum (male parent). Plants spread by trailing stems to form a foliage carpet to 8-12” tall spreading to 18”.

hüpertensioon 3 3. riskifaktor

Geranium Samobor - Common name:Cranesbill, Perennial Geranium - Royal purple flowers are held high above the maple leaf shaped cut foliage. Good in full sun to deep shade, this problem solver will even tolerate being under trees if given some moisture.

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Will grow in woodland shade but won t flower and spread slowly so their best is partial shade where most other geranium species and hybrids won t grow except for the native geranium of the Eastern United States and its allies which would bloom in woodland shade.
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Other common names cranesbill Biokovo Family Geraniaceae Genus Geranium can be annuals, biennials and perennials, herbaceous or evergreen, with rounded, usually palmately lobed or divided leaves, and lax inflorescences of rounded, 5-petalled flowers.
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Geranium × cantabrigiense Biokovo (Cranesbill) is a vigorous, semi-evergreen, mat-forming perennial with masses of 5-petaled, very pale pink flowers, 1 in. across (2.5 cm), adorned with contrasting deep pink stamens.
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Very fragrant, adaptable and beautiful, Geranium macrorrhizum Czakor (Cranesbill) makes lovely, semi-evergreen groundcover in the garden. This hardy geranium creates a thick mat of fragrant, rounded, light green leaves, topped with abundant clusters.
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GERANIUM MADERENSE SEEDS (MADEIRA CRANESBILL) - Plant World Seeds. This truly flamboyant species grows a stout trunk , which radiates brittle looking stalks, much resembling a small palm tree, the lower ones bending to the ground to provide support beneath the massive trusses of deep pink flowers in early summer.

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